iron mega man,2017

This is a game I made with MIT APP inventor 2. The game was simple but interesting, which is a 2-D shooting game. This MIT APP inventor 2 is a online tool, and the most significant part of it is that APP inventor 2 is not designed  as a game designing  tool. Also, this is the first mobile game I made. Some image resources were found from the website.

Platform Adventure Game Tryout, 2016

This is an ongoing project. The purpose was to develop a Metrovanian like game with cyberpunk background. There would be five areas for players to explore: the plain, the acient city, the underground world, the green city, and the flying castle. I’m current working on the reformation of the main character since the original one was too simple. The next step is to design and make three types of weapons and different tools for my protagonist.

My intention is to make a puzzle-solving and fighting game with an interesting story line. It is not easy to combine these three elements together in one game, but I am willing to put all my effort into it. 

Software: Unity 3Dp

Fox's Adventure, 2016

Fox’s adventure is a very special one among all those games I have made. It was designed as a present for my mother.

After watching movie The Little Prince, my mother was in love with the origami-like fox and eager to have one of her own. Then I made her dream come true by creating a game with Unity 3D. In the game, the player, which would only be my mother, controls a fox to search for treasure in a plain surrounded by mountains, forest, and river. And the treasure is text “Happy Mother’s Day” hidden behind a mountain. Though the game sounded simple, but it was not easy to make for I was new to C# coding. The hardest part is to generate running legs while the fox is moving. For I could not solve this problem in such limited time, I ended up choose to raise the camera up a bit and not to show the awkward legs.

My mother was happy for sure. And I was so satisfied for her happiness. It was the first time I felt making game could not only bring joy to myself but to others as well. Designing a game is just like writing a book, for which the creator shares and communicates with the audience about his or her thoughts and feelings.

Software: Unity 3D